Thursday, March 18, 2010


Living in Sacramento, I am used to mild winters and hot summers. Throughout the world there are different climates. Even in the United States we experience different climates from East Coast to West Coast. all of these climates are produced by different factors including insolation, temperature, air pressure, etc. Sacramento is part of the Mediterranean climate. Because I have lived here my whole life I am biased towards this climate. I think that our mild winters (compared to that of the East Coast and other parts of the world) is wonderful! Although we have extremely hot summers, I think I prefer them over wet hot summers as found in the Tropical climates. However, I think that it would be nice to experience life in a Tropical Rainforest because the weather is always warm and consistent. It is also interesting to me that climate, weather, and what we do with the environment affects what can grow and what kind of animals can live in the area. If we change what is naturally found in an area the ecosystem will be greatly influenced. Plants and animals have a natural way of progressing and living but, with our current rising climates our ecosystems are in danger.

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