Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mesothermal climates vs. Microthermal climates

In my last blog, I briefly discussed the climate of Sacramento. It is a Mediterranean type climate which fits in the category of the Mesothermal climate. This means that it has mild-calm winters and hot dry summers. I have lived in Sacramento my whole life therefore, I believe that it is a really wonderful climate. I am on Spring Break right now and unlike the rest of the college-aged youth I went to a semi-cold place for my holiday. I was in New York on Saturday and stayed there for three days. Although we have passed the Spring Equinox on March 21st, it was freezing and rainy all during my stay there. This is due to it being in a Microthermal climate. They have a much greater seasonality than to Mesothermal climates. I have become used to the short mild winter of California and not the long, cold winter of much of the East Coast. I am now in Maryland, which is also a Microthermal climate, but the weather decided to change to warmer temperatures now. I am definitely not complaining about this! Being a California girl, I can not wait to return to my warm state and our Mesothermal conditions.

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